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October 5, 2016The Facebook “Like” Button Has Friends
After a long history of user requests for a dislike button, Facebook made a decision that there will be not be a dislike button. It was commonly believed that a dislike button would generate negativity and support cyberbullying. Instead, Facebook has added reaction buttons. The reaction buttons are emoticons to help users express how they feel about posts in their newsfeed.
New Reaction Buttons
Facebook users can now choose from “love,” “haha,” “wow,” “sad” and “angry” emoticons when reacting to posts. The purpose is to allow users to communicate how they feel across a range of emotions without settling for the like button or comment section. These buttons are easily activated by hovering over the like button to activate the reaction emoticons list. Users can then select the desired reaction.
The variety makes interactions with posts more entertaining. It also allows people to see not just how many likes a post has earned, but also how many reactions such as “loves” or “ha-has”.
How Will This Impact Your Page?
The addition of reaction buttons will allow businesses on Facebook to gain a deeper understanding of how followers are interacting with their posts. Obviously, a post that gains multiple “love” reactions is positive engagement and can help businesses understand what type of content is working. Likewise “angry” reactions need to be monitored and understood, especially when that reaction is unexpected. Businesses should make sure that their social media manager is monitoring engagement and equipped with appropriate responses.
If your business is finding it difficult to keep up with social media changes and develop engaging content, give The Barbauld Agency a call. Our award winning team has experience managing social media and running successful social campaigns for a wide variety of clients.